Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Heidi Czerwiec, associate professor of English at the University of North Dakota, demonstrates the correct LIBERAL reaction to ROTC activities on campus:
I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my window. My first thought is for my students’ and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911. The dispatcher keeps me on the line until someone can see if ROTC is doing maneuvers.
I can barely talk—first, with fear, and then with rage when the dispatcher reports back that yes, in fact, I’ve probably just seen ROTC cadets…
A few minutes later, a university officer calls me back—not to reassure me, but to scold me for calling 911. He says ROTC has permission to do this exercise. …
He also tells me that ROTC will be doing these exercises for the next couple weeks.
So I reply that I guess I’ll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time.
Heidi says she is under financial and emotional attack, and doesn’t “need to feel under physical attack, too.”
She’ll teach those warmongers!


  1. If she calls 911 for something she now knows is not an emergency I trust the Obama justice department will prosecute her.

    Ha, ha, ha.

  2. If she calls 911 for something she now knows is not an emergency I trust the Obama justice department will prosecute her.

    Ha, ha, ha.
