Friday, January 22, 2016


Bill & Hillary book

Bill & Hillary: So This Is That Thing Called Love has been reviewed by many news sites, most of which emphasize Hillary demanding Bill take an AIDS test because of his philandering and preference for “unprotected sex.”
Less publicized is another shocking claim in the book — Bill Clinton had “tried to seduce” Jackie Onassis in her Fifth Avenue apartment.
As recounted by Page Six
“We almost indulged in a wrestling match. It was most embarrassing,” they [Porter and Prince] report Jackie told friend Katharine Graham, the former Washington Post publisher.
“I mean, I was flattered that I turned him on so much at my age, but Bill was just like Jack [Kennedy] in the sense that neither of them wanted to take ‘no’ for an answer. Ever since that day, I prefer not to be alone with Bill.”
The book claims that while Graham didn’t spill the beans, she once repeated the anecdote to Truman Capote over dinner, and he spread the story.
“We almost indulged in a wrestling match” and Bill not taking “no” for an answer  sure sound like Jackie was mauled and almost raped by Bill Clinton.
Interestingly, satyriasis or hypersexuality is one of the impulse-control side-effects of Parkinson’s disease. There have been persistent rumors that Bill Clinton has Parkinson’s, which he denies. (See “Does Bill Clinton have Parkinson’s disease?“)

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