Monday, February 26, 2018


Ok,,,, I don't know Jeff XXX(Name changed to protect the innocent) but I sw this on FB and thought it should be shared....

Thank you Jeff XXX.

Listen you Morons. No one including Trump is saying all teachers should be armed. Only the ones that want to be, just like when pilots were allowed to carry after 911. They will need to be trained as well as having the mental and intestinal fortitude to defend someone. My God we can give them pepper spray if they want it. The left just can't understand that this is not a gun issue. Was it fake news or did a kid just injure 22 people in a school with a knife? Could not one single teacher or administrator pick up a chair and stop this? Are armed guards or Police better than arming non combatants? Yes. But they can't be everywhere. Do you really think that once Schools are made safer, this is not going to happen in the parking lot, football game, local hang out? This is a multifaceted mental health and parenting problem that has been exacerbated by our youth not having proper role models, violence in movies, games and TV, hero worship of unsavory people, and them not having a youth. Kids can access violence and porn on their phones. We have also dropped the ball on mental health. We are throwing drugs at problems without knowing the long term effects. This is a serious problem and talking gun control is not a serious response. It has never worked in any area it has been tried in the US and it actually makes those areas prime targets. I am sick of people whining that the teachers do everything else why should they need to protect students as well. To me a teacher is a person that I grew up with. They protected us by keeping us safe to learn. My teachers would step in and stop fights if they happened. They would protect us when we went on School trips. I never questioned if they would be there I just assumed that they took up my parents role when I showed up at school. What has happened to the teachers I knew. Teachers are now allowed to be disrespected in class and administrators do nothing about it. They have a tough job, but asking them to protect students in any way they feel capable of doing is not asking too much. Put a wedge under the door so it won't open block it with chairs, learn to shoot, get some pepper spray. I'm afraid some are just sheeple and won't do anything and that is disturbing. But no one want to arm anyone that doesn't want to be armed. So get off that soap box.
Thanks Jeffrey XXX.. stay safe

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