Thursday, January 2, 2020



When a year ends, it gets summed up by lists. The libs at Politico present the worst political predictions of 2019. Some are good for a laugh.


It wasn’t just a year that ended yesterday; it was a decade. So let’s have a longer list. Katherine Timpf reviews the most absurdly PC moments of the 2010s. A few examples:

• A college diversity-training course taught that it was culturally insensitive to expect people to be on time.

• University researchers demanded that we accept people who “identify as real vampires.”

• A Seattle-area councilman was concerned about the city hosing poop off of its sidewalks because he thought that it might seem too racially insensitive.

• A professor claimed that the small chairs in preschools are sexist, “disempowering,” and “problematic.”

• A school in Seattle reportedly insisted that Easter eggs be called “spring spheres.”

• A group of Berkeley students insisted that they could not take their in-class exam due to their lack of privilege.

• A campus Christian club was found guilty of discrimination for requiring its leaders to be Christians.

• Oxford University law students were told that they didn’t have to learn about rape or violence law if they found it too triggering.

Via Campus Reform:
Ullmann and Tomalin argue that exposure to online “hate speech” is a type of harm which “is [as] serious as other sub-types [of harm] (e.g., physical, financial)” and social media users deserve protection from such harm.
Once again, progressives equate exposure to attitudes they don’t like with physical violence. This viewpoint is not conducive to respect for free speech.


Anyone familiar with the 20th century history of Russia or China knows that when leftist ideologues take control, people die of starvation by the tens of millions. The same will hold true in the UK. At least this time, they were good enough to warn their victims. From the official organ of the British liberal elite, The Guardian:

Half of the nation’s farmland needs to be transformed into woodlands and natural habitat to fight the climate crisis and restore wildlife, according to a former chief scientific adviser to the UK government.

Just when you thought the Left could not get any crazier if it tried, LEFTISTS  have begun screeching that we must abolish the police. Via City Journal:
From the streets of Chicago to the city council of Seattle, and in the pages of academic journals ranging from the Cardozo Law Review to the Harvard Law Review and of mainstream publications from the Boston Review to Rolling Stone, advocates and activists are building a case not just to reform policing—viewed as an oppressive, violent, and racist institution—but to do away with it altogether. … “Abolish the police” is a concrete policy goal. The abolitionists want to dismantle municipal police departments and see “police officers disappearing from the streets.”



Guy who plays a journalist on TV down talks a real Secret Service Agent



According to Gallup, Donald Trump is tied in the top spot for most admired man. He’s tied with Barack Obama.

Will the 2020s be the best of times or the worst of times? As you ponder that question, here are 50 numbers from 2019 that are almost too crazy to believe

Maybe Joe should learn to program!


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