Monday, March 9, 2020


Image may contain: 1 person, meme,                               possible text that says 'One of the Best                               Quotes Ever We've been conditioned to                               think that only politicians can solve our                               problems. But at some point, maybe we will                               wake-up and recognize that it was the                               politicians who created our problems. -BEN                               CARSON'

Image may contain: 1 person, meme,                               possible text that says 'IT IS PERFECTLY                               OK FOR ME TO IGNORE FEDERAL LAW AND PUT                               THE PUBLIC AT RISK WITH SANCTUARY CITIES                               FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS BUT IF THE PUBLIC                               IGNORES MY UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN LAWS, I'LL                               JAIL THE ENTIRE STATE com'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'The US Department of Education was                               founded in 1979. We were ranked #1 in the                               world at that time. After 40 years of                               Government- run education, we have fallen                               to #24.'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'I BELIEVE WE SHOULD HAVE AN                               INVESTIGATION INTO EVERY MULTIMILLIONAIRE                               IN IN CONGRESS WHO HAS ACCUMULATED THAT                               WEALTH ON A CONGRESSIONAL SALARY USING OUR                               TAX DOLLARS CHARLIE KIRK'

Image may contain: 1 person, possible                               text that says 'We don't have any                               responsibility to protect a foreign                               citizen. They don't have First Amendment                               rights. They have no rights under American                               constitutional law. Americans have rights,                               and it's our job to protect Americans, not                               the reputation of Islam.' -Mike Huckabee                     '

Image may contain: 6 people, people                               standing, suit and meme, possible text                               that says 'CA CA NY ca NY NY COASTAL                               IMPEACHMENT SQUAD THIS IS WHY WE HAVE THE                               ELECTORAL COLLEGE'

Image may contain: 1 person, suit,                               possible text that says 'I have never                               understood why it is greed to want to keep                               the money you've earned, but not greed to                               want to take somebody else's money -Thomas                               Sowell'

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling,                               possible text that says 'Chuck Woolery                               @chuckwoolery If you don't know that the                               Nazi party was Socialist and the Communist                               party is Socialist and the majority, if                               not all, the Democrats running for                               President are Socialist. Then you are not                               paying attention, and you need to.'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'Το stop drunk drivers from killing                               sober drivers, just prevent sober drivers                               from driving. That's how gun control                               works.'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'The Purpose Of The United States                               Constitution Is To Limit The Power Of The                               Federal Government Not The American People                               www WWW.THEFEDERALISTPAPERS.ORG'

Image may contain: 1 person, hat,                               possible text that says 'WITH THIS COUNTRY                               so DIVIDED... I am glad I am on the side                               that has the most guns and knows which                               bathroom to use.'

Image may contain: 1 person, meme,                               possible text that says 'DIFFERENCE                               BETWEEN MIKE BLOOMBERG AND ELIZABETH                               WARREN REN/BERNI SANDERS IS THAT BLOOMBERG                               IS TRYING TO BUY THE ELECTION WITH HIS                               MONEY AND WARREN/ SANDERS ARE TRYING TO                               BUY IT WITH YOURS. -BRIT HUME                     '

Image may contain: one or more                               people, people sitting, drink, meme and                               text

Image may contain: meme, possible                               text that says 'AFTER EVERY ACT OF TERROR                               WE ARE TOLD WE SHOULD NOT JUDGE ALL                               MUSLIMS BASED ON THE ACTIONS OF A FEW.                               ISN'T IT TIME THE 80 MILLION GUN OWNERS IN                               AMERICA GET THE SAME TREATMENT?'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'THINK IT'S ADORABLE PEOPLE ARE                               OFFENDED BY TRUMP USING THE WORD SHITHOLE                               offended am offended by men going into                               women bathrooms. offended who disrespect                               our am offended by illegals getting my tax                               money. am offended how politicians am                               offended by how ignorant Hollywood is. am                               offended by racist like KKK and BLM. am                               offended by our universities by                               Socialists. am offended by ghettos managed                               by Democrats. am offended by Hillary                               getting away with AM JUST GETTING STARTED,                               BUT YOU GET THE IDEA...'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'CIVIL WARS HAPPEN WHEN THE                               VICTIMIZED ARE ARMED. GENOCIDE HAPPENS                               WHEN THEY ARE NOT. A.E.Samann BEARING                               ARMS'

Image may contain: 1 person, possible                               text that says 'ALL IT TOOK WAS A                               REPUBLICAN WILLING TO FIGHT AND DEMOCRATS                               REVEALED THEIR HATE FOR AMERICA リルX Ⅲ THE                               PATRIOT HAMMER'

Image may contain: 1 person, possible                               text that says 'My God, listening to these                               Democrats and watching the hate on their                               faces is the most disgusting thing I have                               ever seen in my 71 years. Every                               ThoughtCrime Resistance rotten nasty                               allegation they make against this                               President is what they are glaringly                               guilty of themselves! Indescribable rotten                               humanity! How much more of this runaway                               corruption and criminal abuse of power are                               we going to take? ~Ted Nugent'

Image may contain: 2 people, people                               standing and meme, possible text that says                               'Read this real slowly and think about it.                               Then read it again to help it sink in...                               AMMOLAND WE'RE SENDING ASSAULT WEAPONS TO                               REBELS IN SYRIA TO CONFRONT A REGIME THAT                               DOES NOT REPRESENT THEM. THERE IS NO                               REASON WHY ANY AMERICAN SHOULD OWN ASSAULT                               WEAPONS.'

Image may contain: text

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'In 1947, Congress passed the 22nd                               Amendment, limiting the President to 2                               terms. They said, Too much power for too                               long is a threat to our freedom. time to                               limit Congress for the same reason!'

Image may contain: possible text that                               says 'THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE OUT THERE                               WHO DON'T LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP, AND THAT'S                               THEIR BUSINESS BUT WHEN A POLITICAL PARTY                               SPENDS 100% OF THEIR EFFORTS AND ENERGY                               INTO DESTROYING A DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT,                               THERE IS DANGER THEY WILL DESTROY ANYBODY                               WHO DISAGREES WITH THEM, INCLUDING YOU AND                               ME!'

Image may contain: one or more                               people, possible text that says 'It's time                               to Remove ANYONE from Office who can not                               take the Oath of Office on the Bible and                               swear allegiance to our flag and follow                               the laws of the Constitution of the United                               States.'

Image may contain: 4 people, people                               standing and outdoor, possible text that                               says 'CRIMINALS OBEY GUN LAWS LIKE                               POLITICIANS POL FOLLOW THEIR OATH OF                               OFFICE'

Image may contain: 1 person, possible                               text that says 'Imagine if you will a                               voter base so brainwashed that even when                               their candidates promise to raise their                               taxes, disarm them and leave their borders                               unprotected, they will still vote for them                               just because of their party name.'

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