Thursday, July 2, 2020


Might be the problem- If you want to know about America, talk to young people, whose education is fresh in their heads. In the video below, they teach us that America is racist, that it was built by blacks, and that it achieved independence from Britain in the 1960s during the Civil War.

OUCH!!! And she was prob at a COVID party!!!

Now Even The COMMON COLD Is Being Counted As A Positive COVID-19 Result, CDC Says.

China has said it will take countermeasures against the UK should it grant residency to Hongkongers fleeing a harsh new national security law, promising that the UK would “bear all consequences”.



HA HA HA!!! Dumb ASS!!!


Here's what happens to dumb ass who threatened to stab Trump supporters....don't it break ur heart????

She got fired for this??? GO FIGURE!!! It was those DAMN Trump supporters, I bet!!! She'd be a real asset in the business world!!

This doctor is in McKinney, Texas.  Please take time to read. This is for all you worry warts. All I ask is do yourself and me justice and research this.

You want a cure?
My name is Brian C. Procter MD and I am a Board-Certified Family Physician in McKinney, Texas. I am a colleague of Dr. Ivette Lozano that you interviewed a few weeks ago. I understand that you are trying to get the truth out about hydroxychloroquine.
I respectfully suggest that there is a much bigger issue/story here. Most commentators are discussing inpatient treatment only. If patients are admitted to the ICU then their chances of survival are dismal. But what happens when we treat patients 3-6 weeks earlier, when they first develop symptoms? I have been treating COVID-19 patients in the outpatient trenches for over 2 months now just like Dr. Lozano. I like her, I am using Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, losartan, aspirin, and zinc (all for less than $50 at my local pharmacy). We have identified, diagnosed, and successfully treated these patients at a relatively early point in the course of the disease.
It is these statistics that are amazing. I have treated over 50 patients without a single death, ventilator, or hospitalization. Dr. Lozano has treated twice that many with the same success. I even treated one patient that was discharged from a hospital the day before who was treated with IV fluids only for 4 days and released, still feeling terrible! We are two community docs using EARLY AGGRESSIVE OUTPATIENT TREATMENT to handle the disease with a 100% success rate (ZERO Admissions, ZERO).
Therefore, If we can treat patients EARLY for $50, we seem to be successful at preventing hospitalizations, ICUs, and death as well as saving tens of thousands of healthcare dollars per sick patient. My local ICU doctors have pleaded with me to keep doing what I am doing. The answer seems to be EARLY AGGRESSIVE OUTPATIENT TREATMENT and NOT contact tracing (which is communism and ! cannot even get the Public Health Dept on the phone), quarantine (which destroys millions of lives), wearing masks (which is ridiculous as a long term solution w/o proven data), a vaccine (by the time we get it, likely won't need it), social distancing (which won't sustain or GDP with 25% occupancy), testing (ALL tests have a high false negative rate up around 20-30%), or watchful waiting (a tactic that has needlessly resulted in 100,000 deaths).
We could also place all Nursing home patients on HCQ prophylaxis for 180 days on a voluntary basis of course. This could theoretically prevent thousands of needless hospitalizations and deaths.
In conclusion, if we treat COVID-19 just like anything else we treat (ie, the flu, pneumonia, a sinus infection, hypertension, and diabetes) early and aggressively with a regimen that costs $50 out of pocket or less with 100% success (which is a far better stat than treating all those other conditions), then why is the country shut down and doing social distancing? This political sham must stop.
The American people deserve to know they can go to their regular doctor and get treated early with a regimen that is completely safe and extremely effective, and they do not need to worry about ending up in the hospital and dying. The public is UNAWARE of this, please educate them with the truth. The country needs to return to normal NOW.
This is the REAL story. Please feel free to contact me with questions. My heart goes out to all those who have needlessly suffered and continue to suffer during this sham crisis and a disease that is extremely treatable if treated EARLY!!!
Sent from my iPhone

Rat removal...



Jason L. Riley reports for the Wall St. Journal, June 25, 2020, that Wilfred Reilly, an assistant professor of political science at Kentucky State University, compiled a database of 346 hate-crime allegations and determined that less than a third were genuine. Reilly then put together a data set of more than 400 confirmed cases of fake hate-crime a1llegations that were reported to authorities between 2010 and 2017. He maintains that the exact number of false reports is probably unknowable, but that what can be said “with absolute confidence is that the actual number of hate crime hoaxes is indisputably large. We are not speaking here of just a few bad apples.”



On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of our so-called liberal elite...






FAKE VIRTUE SIGNALLING SJWs need to give it a rest. You think your woke manufactured guilt makes you look somehow superior but no,,,,it makes you look like something else unintended, I'm sure...

National anthem should be changed to the Communist Anthem, John Lennon’s ‘Imagine,’ activists say.


What else attire does Biden believe the federal government can compel us to wear in public? Gloves, face shields, PPE suits, chastity belts, hijabs, zubaz pants?



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