Saturday, January 16, 2021


FB FRIEND: so you obviously don’t believe or trust your elected Republican election officials, or even Trump’s own appointed officials, who by the way are deserting the sinking ship. Is there anyone you trust besides Trump and his henchmen? Do you really believe this crap you post, or are you just stirring the pot to see what comes up?

ME: It should be obvious to everybody with a brain that there was a great deal of election fraud. Otherwise, Trump isn't perfect but he's been saying the same things since the 80's, whereas all the rest of these politicians, Dems and Repubs, change their stance with the wind and say one thing and do another. Their campaign promises have nothing to do with their intentions. We have gone through 5 years of RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA which is totally fake news made up by the Clintons and Democrats and used to block and harass this POTUS. Trump has totally disrupted the cash flow to the Dem and Repub swamp feeders and has hurt them bad. All this going on now is retaliation and gloating at the expense of all the American people- those who speak out are being blocked and those who have been deceived and will continue to be deceived. The swamp feeders are desperate to regain their cash flow and the more divisiveness, and fake news they can spread only furthers their cause. They will continue to squelch any opposing voices and pit them against those who are so easily deceived in order to have their way. That's how the swamp feeders, MIC, and foreign interference all work together to return the previous status quo. We are all, either way, just pawns in their game. So, those on the Left and those who believe in the swamp feeders will just continue in their lock step. The rest will remember we once had a POTUS that was not a member of either....

FB FRIEND: .... he has not said the same thing all along. You have been hearing what you want to hear. He’s good at that. I remember him saying that if he ever ran for president, he would run as a Republican. Do you remember why?

ME: .... You people can't tell the difference between jokes, metaphors, and how people who are not polished politicians speak but either way the statement would be correct about many but then there are also many who are just free thinkers....

By the way, most people can't be deceived unless they want to be....

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