Wednesday, August 28, 2024



As San Francisco District Attorney:

1. She allowed a VIOLENT criminal to go on probation and then he MURDERED two men

2. Protected CONVICTED Coke dealers who were allegedly ILLEGAL BORDER jumpers

As California AG:

3. BLOCKED giving concealed carry permits to LAW-ABIDING citizens unless they provided evidence of ”…an EXTRAORDINARY need to carry a gun beyond concern for personal safety.”

4. Called RAPING an unconscious person, MINOR human TRAFFICKING for SEX acts, ASSAULT with a DEADLY weapon, and other things as “NON-VIOLENT” crimes, even allowed criminal convicted of doing these acts to get EARLY parole

As US Senator:

5. Asked for donations to a fund which posted BAIL for now-CONVICTED murders, rapists, and assaulters out of jail

6. Co-Sponsored the $32-TRILLION SOCIALIST Government Healthcare takeover bill which would RAISE taxes, ELIMINATE private healthcare, and INCREASE the national debt

7. Co-Sponsored AOC’s $93-TRILLION Green New Deal which COST each American Family $165,000, and WIPE out 2 MILLION American Jobs

As Vice President:

8. Let the economy CRUMBLE with 40-year inflation and an over 20% INCREASE in grocery prices

9. Let the border stay OPEN as “Border Czar”. Under her leadership, 10 MILLION people ENTERED the US ILLEGALLY

10. DESTROYED domestic gas & oil production, resulting in gas prices RISING over 30%

Kamala Harris HAS BEEN Vice President for 3 years!! We know what she has ACCOMPLISHED and that is DESTROYING America. As President, she will turn the United States into a SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP.

Share this so MORE people KNOW the Truth about how BAD Kamala is for the United States #GenZealous4Truth

5:47 PM · Aug 22, 2024

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