Sunday, April 12, 2009

The story of Solomon and Sheba

I watched this movie today. It's amazing how educational Hollywood films can be. I never understood the whole Solomon and Sheba thing from the Bible but this film explains everything! King David had 2 sons, a German guy and an English dude. Solomon was the German and Adonijay was the English dude. A(Adonijay) should have become king when David died because he was older but S(Solomon) stole the throne because he was the step mom's fave. So, this Ethiopian Princess, Sheba, was passing thru and jungle fever ensued. S started dating the Sista- you know how Germans are. A was probably jealous but he raised a stink that S was dividing the house because there were plenty nice Jewish girls around. God didn't like S dating the Sista either and a really bad storm tore up the temple and messed up the rest of Jerusalem some too. Now the rest of the Jews were about to uprise and the German and the English went to war over the whole thing. Sheba saw where this was going and decided to split but, having loved S a lot, she asked God to put everything back the way it was and, in return, she would go back home and destroy all the idols and cause her people to worship only the one God ever after. So, that's what happened- the German won this time, go figure- but by the time Sheba got back home it was evident she was knocked up and S was the baby daddy. She kept her promise to God and Ethiopia became a strong Jewish and then Christian nation and to this day its royalty traces back to S.

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