Wednesday, January 23, 2019
















At this point, we can’t expect Democrats to wish Americans well. But if they won’t fund a wall for us, they should do it for the Third World colonists who have been pouring across the open border. Sneaking into the country can lead to a lifetime of generous social benefits paid for by others, but it can also end in vultures tearing flesh off your corpse in the Arizona desert. From AZ Central:
In 2018, the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona…
It wasn’t always like this.
Before 2000, the remains of fewer than five migrants were found each year…
But then word must have spread through the Third World that America no longer has the will to enforce its immigration laws. The tsunami hit:

Everyone has a right to be heard in a democracy — except noncompliant white guys. They need to shut up. Because privilege. Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty explains.
She denounces “disruptions” at City Council meetings, which she said in a press release “seem to be caused largely by a small group of white men who use their privilege to: Act disruptive, Act disrespectful, Act self-centered.”
Lest anyone miss the point that they are to be defined as white men, Hardesty drives it home repeatedly. “The reality is that they are white men who think it is their job to come in and disrupt city council,” Hardesty told KOIN 6 News… WHITE GUYS SHOULD JUST STFU!!!

This is the best video ever. This dog sure loves snow!

TDS is hazardous to your health.

A woman walks into a curio shop in San Francisco.
Looking around at the exotica, she notices a very life-like, life-sized bronze statue of a rat. It has no price tag but is so striking she decides she must have it.
She takes it to the counter and asks the owner: “How much for the bronze rat?”
“$20 for the rat, $100 for the story,” says the owner.
The woman gives the shop-owner $20: “I’ll just take the rat. You can keep the story.”
As she walks down the street carrying his bronze rat, she notices that a few real rats have crawled out of alleys and sewers and begun following her down the street. This is a bit disconcerting so she begins walking a little faster.
Within a couple of blocks, the group of rats behind her grows to over a hundred and they begin squealing.
She starts to trot toward the bay. She takes a nervous look around and sees that the rats now number in the thousands – and they are all squealing and coming toward her faster and faster.

Terrified, she runs to the edge of the bay and throws the bronze rat as far out into the water as she can.
Amazingly, the rats all jumped into the bay after the bronze rat and drowned.
The woman walks back to the curio shop.
“Aha,” says the owner. “I bet you have come back for the story?”
“No,” says the woman. “I came back to see if you have a bronze Democrat.”






Humans at a campfire. I'm cold and starving. Maybe I should beg for some scraps.....

what's the worst that could happen?



Nancy and Co dismiss the importance of stemming immigration — does THIS raise any red flags?
A rancher says she’s found prayer rugs on her property, and that there has been a spike in “OTM” (other-than-Mexican) illegal entry into America.


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