Monday, June 10, 2019


Written by:  KAREN VAUGHN, Mother of Aaron Vaughn, Navy Seal Hero 


Read this once, pause for a minute or two to think honestly about it, then read it again.  I can find no fault with it...

The views this mother has about Donald Trump are much like many other people.  Her characterization of Trump as the "Salty Sailor" or as “The Fireman” paint an accurate picture!! She has written many great books about her son and family. This is a Comment from KAREN VAUGHN, Mother of Aaron Vaughn, Navy Seal Hero who died for our country.

Sometimes God uses the no-nonsense, salty sailor to get the job done.  Appreciating what the man is doing doesn't mean we worship the salty sailor or even desire to be like the salty sailor.  It doesn't even mean God admires the salty sailor.  Maybe He just knows he's necessary for such a time as this.

I believe with all my heart that God placed that salty sailor in the White House to give this nation one more chance in November 2016.  Donald Trump is what he is – and he is still the man he was before the election – and without guilt. I very much admire what that salty sailor is accomplishing.

He's not like me.  That's okay with me.  I don't want to be like him.  I will never behave like him.  I know we've NEVER had a man like him lead our nation before.  It's crazy and a little mind blowing at times.  But I can't help admire the stamina and ability he has – acting with his heart rather than a calculated, PC, think tank-screened, carefully edited script.  I still believe that is WHY he became our President and WHY he's been able to handle a landslide of adversity and STILL pass unprecedented amounts of good legislation for our country AND do great works for MANY other nations, including Israel.

I'm THRILLED with what he's doing for my nation, for the cause of Christ (whether intentional or unintentional, doesn't matter to me), and for the concept of rebuilding America and putting her FIRST I will not be ashamed of my position because others don't see him through the same lens.

Should it matter to me if a fireman drops an f-bomb while he's pulling me from a burning building?  Would I really care about what came out of his mouth in those moments?  Heck no!  I'd CARE about what he was DOING.  He wasn't sent there to save my soul and I'm not looking to him for spiritual guidance.  All I'm thinking in those moments is, "Thank you, GOD, for sending the fireman." AND DONALD TRUMP IS OUR FIREMAN.

I'll soon post this article again for those who still might not understand me.  This man is crass.  Okay.  He's not careful with what he says.  Okay.  You feel offended that he's not a typical statesman.  Okay.  But he is DOING THE JOB of rebuilding the nation my son died for...  the nation I feared was on a fast track to becoming a hopeless cause.

Forgive me if I'm smiling."

Written by:  KAREN VAUGHN


Those quizzes you see popping up on your Facebook Newsfeed might seem like a harmless guilty pleasure, but if you're not careful they could leave you victim of identity theft. The Sutton Police Department in Massachusetts shared a scary post on their Facebook page, warning social media users that those fun questionnaires could actually be revealing personal information to scammers.


NEW REPORT ON REPLACEMENT MIGRATION ISSUED BY UN POPULATION DIVISION- NEW YORK, 17 March (DESA) -- The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has released a new report titled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to prevent population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates. READ THIS BS UN REPORT AND DECIDE WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN FOR YOURSELF!!   


Twelve years after entering college, white men have paid off 44% of their student-loan balance on average, according to an analysis released Thursday by Demos, a left-leaning think tank. For white women, that share drops to 28%. For black borrowers, the picture is even bleaker. Black women see their loan balances actually grow 13% on average, 12 years after leaving school, while black men see their balances grow 11%. ARTICLE    



They are communists. They will destroy America and replace it with the same nightmarish form of tyranny that prevailed in the USSR. This will happen as soon as they have the political leverage — and they are gaining leverage every day. They largely control the schools, from nursery school to the universities. They largely control the media, from the nightly news to Hollywood. They largely control the cities.


Ah but consider the source- the people who intend to use this...LEFT-CFR-OWG-NWO-ILLUMINATI-ROTHSCHILDS----

A young jackaroo from outback Queensland goes off to university, but halfway through the semester he has squandered all of his money.
He calls home. ‘Dad,’ he says, ‘you won’t believe what modern education is developing…they actually have a program here in Brisbane that will teach our dog Ol’ Blue how to talk.’
‘That’s amazing!’ his Dad says. ‘How do I get Ol’ Blue in that program?’
‘Just send him down here with $2,000,’ the young jackaroo says, ‘I’ll get him in the course.’
So his father sends the dog and $2,000.
About two-thirds through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.
‘So how’s Ol’ Blue doing, son?’ his father wants to know.
‘Awesome! Dad, he’s talking up a storm… but you just won’t believe this. They’ve had such good results with talking, they’ve begun to teach the animals how to read.’
‘Read?’ exclaims his father. ‘No kidding! How do we get Ol’ Blue in that program?’
‘Just send $4,500. I’ll get him in the class.’
The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out the dog can neither talk nor read.
So he shoots the dog. When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited.
‘Where’s Ol’ Blue? I just can’t wait to talk with him, and see him read something!’
‘Dad,’ the boy says, ‘I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ol’ Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal. Then he suddenly turned to me and asked, ‘So, is your daddy still bonking that little redhead barmaid at the pub?”
The father groans and whispers, ‘I hope you shot that bastard before he talks to your Mother!’
‘I sure did, Dad!’
‘That’s my boy!’
(The kid went on to be a successful lawyer)





Teaching in the Face of Third World Conquest


TDS sufferer makes bid for DARWIN AWARD, apparently unsuccessfully.

SEX CAN KILL....not to mention the STDs........


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