Tuesday, December 17, 2019





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When it comes to the ever-changing climate, many of us are informed by failed politicians, thuggish frauds, and teenage European girls. If you want to go with the latter, may I suggest Naomi Seibt rather than Greta Thunberg?
Frรคulein Seibt has been called the Anti-Greta, not only because she hasn’t fallen for the global warming hoax, but because she is not an indoctrinated puppet. She advocates science, free speech, and free thinking in opposition to hysteria:

Liberalism has set America on a course to demographic doom. The worst of it may not come from overseas in the form of virtually unlimited immigration from the least successful corners of the world. We have been developing our own demise within our borders with a toxic combination of feminism, desacralized marriage, reduced stigma, and the welfare state, all working together to create single-parent households.
The United States has a higher share of single-parent households than 129 other countries, a recent analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals.
Twenty-three percent of U.S. children live with a single adult, Pew found, compared with an average of just 7 percent around the world. Of the 130 countries from which Pew obtained survey data, rates of single-parent households ranged from the low 20s in the United States and United Kingdom to as low as 1 or 2 percent in countries like Turkey and Afghanistan.
Afghanistan may have a backward culture, but it has endured for centuries. The USA and UK will not endure, unless the progressive notion of “progress” is reversed soon.
In 1960, just 9 percent of U.S. children lived with one parent…
Follow the trajectory — or rather, let’s not follow it.





Thanks to Lefty Liberal rule, the energy situation in California is bad and likely to get worse.  Watts Up With That:
California has not even been able to generate enough of its own electricity in-state and imported 29% of its needs in 2018. … California households are already paying 50% more, and industrial users are paying more than double the national average for electricity.
Do the leftists running the state actually believe that carbon emissions are somehow harmful? Apparently not, or they would support zero-emission and low-emission energy sources. The state’s last nuclear plant and the last three natural gas plants in Southern California are all closing and there are no plans for industrial wind or solar projects either. This means California will have to import ever more energy — some from overseas.
California is the only state in the union that currently imports most of its crude oil energy from foreign countries. The California Energy Commission (CEC) data demonstrates that this dependency on foreign sources of oil requires expenditures of $60 million dollars EVERY DAY to oil rich foreign countries just to make up for the States’ choice to continue decreasing in-state production.

Another piece of the puzzle as more comes out.


More here...



Bartiromo on FISA abuse: The lies are real, people will be prosecuted

Capitalism is about the mutual enrichment of all parties involved.

These punks tried to hijack this car.  Then the victim pressed the horn which sounded like gunshots.


Inside A Womans Head - On Her Boyfriend Jimmy   

Donald Trump has some words for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the congressional Democrats on the eve of his impeachment. Over six pages, on White House letterhead, the president piles adjectives like cords of wood, fires rhetorical fusillades in all directions and invokes the judgement of the American people, the nation's founding fathers and history itself. And Here are five choice lines from a president whose capacity for the extraordinary and unprecedented is ever-expanding.





The U.S. government quietly expelled two Chinese Embassy officials after they breached a sensitive military base in Virginia.
The Chinese officials were with their wives when they drove onto the base near Norfolk in September. The group fled military personnel pursuing them and were only stopped when fire trucks blocked their path, according to The New York Times.
American officials suspect at least one of the Chinese officials was an intelligence officer operating under diplomatic cover.
The expulsions appear to be the first of Chinese diplomats suspected of spying in more than three decades. In 1987, the United States apprehended two Chinese diplomat who had tried to obtain classified National Security Agency documents.
Neither the U.S. nor China announced the incident. It has fueled concerns about Chinese espionage in the U.S. as American officials increasingly warn about China’s threat to national security. American officials said Chinese officials with diplomatic passports have become more daring about showing up unannounced at research or government facilities.



There's no comparison USA to them- Populations 1/50 to 1/5 of USA population, all 90+% Northern European ethnicity, selling their gov bonds -% interest. Well, good night to all the Northern European Christian industrial nations, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. Of course we can learn from them!!! I never said we couldn't learn from them! In fact I'm famous for always saying "I've never met anyone I couldn't learn something from!!!" (Even if what you learn is what not to do)

EU has taxed itself to death,,,now it is coming up with schemes to tax US companies and eventually US citizens to pay for their Socialism...Now the DEMS want to tax the US citizens for their Socialism too!!!! All our US freedoms sacrificed for Socialism all over the world!!!!

After the current events plans should be underway to impeach the next Democrat President. No matter how much revenue the Federal government gets it spends twice that amount. The current situation is not sustainable and our current legislative branch is just a big soap opera that's intent to put on a shock and awe show to divert our attention from a near majority of both parties with their hands in the cookie jar of all that revenue we, the people, produce. We sit in the stands on our side of the field and cheer our side and boo the other side and get so wrapped up in the game we don't see the big picture. Drain the swamp!


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