Friday, May 20, 2016


These four groups do not form by any means an exhaustive list of the kicked around and forgotten. Yet they do very saliently represent the sort of people with whom society’s biggest sympathies should lie. The fact that their discarded needs and ignored services are so obvious makes SJWs’ disdain for them all the greater.

1. The Disabled

The wage gap is a myth, completely explained by women’s choices to pursue less skilled occupations, take more vacation time, and work less overtime. So, too, is the “rape” crisis on college campuses, whereby anything from wolf-whistling to asking a girl out when she does not like you equals “harassment.”
Unlike these false statistics, however, the disabled suffer the highest level of poverty of any group. In my native Australia, the figure is around 50%. The plight of America’s disabled is comparable: they are twice as likely to live in economic squalor. Even these pitiful outcomes would no doubt be a lot worse if many disabled individuals did not receive significant support from family and friends. Yet supposed “sexism” in video games and other fabricated mole hills have received 100 times more attention from SJWs over the last five years.
Supposedly students paying off education loans are some the biggest victims of the “crooked” financial system, but barely a thought is kept for those disabled people who have no or only a limited chance to gain an education, let alone get a long-term job to support themselves.

2. Senior Citizens

Socialist Bernie Sanders may look older than your great-grandmother. Hillary Clinton may be 70 next year. Big deal. On the whole, SJWs do not give a damn about senior citizens. If they did, they would recognize that, as much younger people, they should get off their backsides and prioritize what limited social security the US has for those who cannot work or have worked all their lives.
If you think life is hard paying for college when you can work, try having to pay for a billion medical pills and bills while you cannot work due to age or other infirmities. I have never in my life met a student in deleterious financial circumstances who was working as hard as they could to alleviate them. I have, in contrast, met at least 500 senior citizens who did not predict rapid extensions in their lifespans, coupled with soaring health costs as they aged.

3. The White Working Classes

Mitt Romney, worth several hundred million dollars, and the white garbage collector are always seen as the one person: the eternally privileged whit male. Like with senior citizens, the white working classes are shoved in alongside other poorer groups to make Democrats and SJWs look like champions for the economic battlers. The unspoken meaning, nevertheless, is that whites are poor because they choose to be and blacks and others are poor because of history and contemporary oppression.
Underprivileged whites are therefore seen as lazy, not toilers trying to make their way in a world just as difficult as it is for blacks in the same income bracket. SJWs will only came to their “aid” in the weakest sense possible, giving them the most generalized sympathy, all while devoting continual attentions to “special” groups like African-American gang members, illegal immigrants, and transgender prostitutes who cannot find work.

4. The Police

SJWs do not ignore police; they devote inordinate amounts of time to undermining them! Police in the United States do not have a proper right to defend themselves, most notably when their assailants are black or SJWs themselves. To SJWs, they are murderers and rapists (usually because of one bad egg per 10,000 cops). What they are entitled to instead is a barrage of criticisms, consistent abuse, and threats from those who are basically saying society would be better off without the direct enforcement of laws.
If you want an interesting account of how a would-be anarchist realized the error of his ways, read about Harvard scientist, psychologist, and linguist Steven Pinker’s transformation. Having witnessed the effects of the Montreal police strike, namely chaos and unprecedented criminality, he changed his outlook about the need for armed authority. Sadly, this was in the 1960s and the current breed of leftists are seemingly impervious to any lessons from HISTORY.

FULL ARTICLE David Garrett Brown

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