Friday, June 18, 2021





Discussing racism, or even using the word, is taboo in Norway and stirs very strong feelings, especially among the Norwegian Right. Sylvi Listhaug, leader of the radical-Right Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, FrP), is especially vocal against people who try to label Norway a racist society. “Because it’s not true,” she said. “Norway is one of the freest, best countries in the world – for everyone. Independent of gender, religion or ethnicity.”


Much of the discourse has taken place on online platforms frequented by millennials and members of Generation Z, such as Reddit and Instagram, with the latter playing host to popular accounts like @minorityvoices that publish swipe-through galleries featuring pithy text and visuals to aid discussion among their many followers. The language of social justice popularised during Black Lives Matter protests in the United States features heavily in some of the posts, which variously assert that members of ethnic minority groups must be “centred” in discussions on race, that “allies” must “hold space” in the struggle for racial equality, and that “Chinese privilege” pervades Singaporean society in a similar fashion to white privilege in the West.


France has one of the highest rates of femicide – generally defined here as the murder of a woman by a partner, ex-partner or family member – in Europe. In 2020, the number of femicides in the country fell to 90 for the year, the lowest since the collecting of such statistics began 15 years ago. So far this year there have been 51.


Alarmed by recent antisemitic incidents, Germany's federal and regional interior ministers plan a joint policing and prosecution campaign against anti-Jewish perpetrators. I wonder if it comes from a certain segment of the population...


Going for the short-haired, lesbian, pissed-off look. A bit of a mustache would help here, but in general the new approach should do wonders for the brand. 


A federal judge in South Dakota has said three supervisory U.S. marshals will face criminal charges after an underling refused to disclose her COVID-19 vaccination status and left the courthouse with three defendants scheduled for court hearings. U.S. District Judge Charles Kornmann of the District of South Dakota announced criminal charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice and contempt of court against the three marshals after they appeared at a hearing Monday on civil contempt charges, report the Aberdeen News, the Associated Press, Forum News Service and the Washington Post. Kornmann said he will appoint a prosecutor if the U.S. attorney declines to prosecute. Kornmann is a nominee of former President Bill Clinton.


In a nationally televised interview in January, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rattled off an impressive list of measures his state used to ensure the November election count was accurate. "We had safe, secure, honest elections," he declared to "60 Minutes." That rosy assessment, however, masked an ugly truth inside his agency's own files: A contractor handpicked to monitor election counting in Fulton County wrote a 29-page memo back in November outlining the "massive" election integrity failures and mismanagement that he witnessed in the Atlanta-area's election centers. The bombshell report, constructed like a minute-by-minute diary, cited a litany of high-risk problems such as the double-counting of votes, insecure storage of ballots, possible violations of voter privacy, the mysterious removal of election materials at a vote collection warehouse, and the suspicious movement of "too many" ballots on Election Day.


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