Wednesday, June 23, 2021





The Biden strategy rightfully calls out domestic violent terrorists animated by racist and virulent anti-government sentiments. They deserve aggressive law enforcement investigation and ultimate justice. But nary a word of concern is expressed in the strategy document about other domestic violent actors — motivated, for example, by environmental extremism or the months of violence inflicted on American cities by antifa and other extremists.  


Former U.S. President Donald Trump may have an unlikely ally to defend him against lawsuits alleging he incited the U.S. Capitol insurrection: President Joe Biden’s Justice Department.


'Anything can happen, we like it that way': Portland tourism bosses are slammed for taking out full-page ad in New York Times admitting the riot-hit city has an 'edge' - but claiming locals still love it, so, vacation in Portland.... Yeah right!


Donald Trump, Queen Elizabeth, and Putin all die and go to hell.
Once there, they soon spy a red phone, and they ask the devil what the phone is for.
The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin immediately asks to call Russia, and proceeds to talk for five minutes.
When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth asks to call England, and she talks for 30 minutes.
When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.
Finally, Donald Trump gets his turn, and he talks for four hours.
When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic, and asks the devil why Trump got to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiled and replied, "Well, since Biden took over, the country has gone to HELL, so it's a local call!"


One person's take on Georgia....
Herb W

If all of the following is true the storm is finally coming.
BREAKING: Georgia has beat Arizona to it....Definite now that Biden did not win Georgia Election
First: Fulton County Concedes 19,000 mail in votes (90% for Biden) do not have legally required chain of custody.
Even under the illegally imposed consent decree Sect. of State Raffensperger and Stacey Abrams placed on Fulton County those votes do not count. They should have been set aside.
This means - Biden lost the Presidential election and Perdue won by a margin that did not require a run-off.
Second: Evidence emerged today that the Fulton County Election Board was staffed with Temporary workers from Happy Faces Personnel Group. That company is controlled and financed by STACEY ABRAMS.
Fulton County residents testified Stacey Abrams owns 16% of ‘Now Account’, and that Now Account financed and recruited employees for Happy Faces.
The Election Counting in Fulton County was controlled by the main Democratic Operative in the State.
Third: There is a huge story breakin….. While Raffensperger was publicly claiming the election was beyond reproach, internal documents from his office show that they were aware of problems with Fulton county.
Problem: Missing Batches Numbers of Mail in Ballots. Problem: Boxes of Ballots that did not have seals as legally required. Problem: Repeated counts multiple times in a row. example: Batch A 390 Biden 100 Trump 10 Libertarian Batch B 390 Biden 100 Trump 10 Libertarian Batch C 390 Biden 100 Trump 10 Libertarian Batch D 390 Biden 100 Trump 10 Libertarian
statistical impossibility, and Raffensperger ignored it.
BOTTOM LINE: Georgia Senate will give Senate Seat to Perdue when they reconvene in September. Unclear how Biden Decertification begins.


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