Friday, July 1, 2016


Petry calls Brussels, EU’s capital, a “bureaucracy monster”. She hails Brexit as “the chance for a new Europe, one which maintains partnerships and respected national sovereignties. The Great Britain decision to leave the EU is a signal to the Brussels Politburo and its bureaucratic attachments. If the EU does not finally leave its wrong path, and the quasi-socialist experiment of deeper political integration, more European Nations will reclaim their sovereignty the way British are. The result would be more exits. At the very least the Brussels bureaucracy must be radically reduced and the centralist regulation craze ended. The time is ripe for a new Europe, a Europe of fatherlands, where we peacefully trade with each other, maintain partnerships and respect the will of the national sovereignties. One can only warn the German government not to fill the missing British net contribution with German tax money and thus continue the political fallacy.”
(Source: Express)

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