Monday, August 8, 2016


 A photograph showing a burly black man carrying a Diazepam auto-injector pen in his left hand, who accompanied Hillary on her big night accepting her party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

According to Gateway Pundit, the same man was seen helping Hillary in a recentcampaign stop in a Union Hall when she suddenly froze in front of a group of liberal protesters, looking dazed and lost. Seeing this, a group of men rushed to assist Hillary on the stage, one of whom is Burly Black Man. He gently patted Hillary on her back and said to her, “Keep Talking.”
Although Burly Black Man is dressed like a Secret Service agent, an expert on Secret Service tactics told Gateway Pundit that Secret Service agents would not touch a candidate in the manner that this man did. Another reason why the man is not an agent is Hillary’s widely-reported disdain for the Secret Service agents who protect her with their lives.
Wikipedia on auto-injector pen:
“An autoinjector (or auto-injector) is a medical device designed to deliver a dose of a particular drug. Most autoinjectors are spring-loaded syringes. By design, autoinjectors are easy to use and are intended for self-administration by patients, or administration by untrained personnel.”
Wikipedia on Diazepam:
Diazepam, first marketed as Valium, is a medication of the benzodiazepinefamily that typically produces a calming effect. It is commonly used to treat a range of conditions including anxiety, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, muscle spasms, seizures, trouble sleeping, and restless legs syndrome.”

Kyle Olson reports for The American Mirror, Aug. 7, 2016, that the latest evidence of the questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton “comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home. The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.”

The Drudge Report gave these other links on Hillary falling in the past:
Presidential candidates are required by law to release their medical reports. Given her “rules and laws are only for the little people” nature, Hillary likely will refuse to. 

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