Monday, July 13, 2015


That Pope Francis, what a guy!
He called gunmakers hypocritical false Christians while the Vatican’s own Swiss Guards and Pontifical Gendarmerie are armed with state-of-the-art firearms, including shotguns and machine guns.
He admonished pastors for talking too much and called them “pseudo Christians” and “pseudo pastors” when he himself hasn’t stopped yacking and yacking and yacking, seemingly without forethought or discretion, since he was selected pope 2 years 4 months ago.
The latest: While visiting South America, Francis called for a New (economic and ecological) World Order of wealth redistribution and redoubled his condemnation of capitalism, calling it (“an unfettered pursuit of money”) “the dung of the devil.”

The AP reports, July 8, 2015:
Pope Francis wraps up the first leg of a three-nation South American pilgrimage Wednesday after issuing an impassioned call for a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the rich….

From a CNN report in August 2014:
A CNN investigation found that at least 10 of the 34 active archbishops in the United States live in buildings worth more than $1 million, according to church and government records.
That’s not counting hundreds of retired and active Catholic bishops in smaller cities, some of whom live equally large….
In addition to regal residences, many archbishops acquire other perks: live-in assistants, housekeepers, chauffeurs and cooks. Others live alone in roomy residences.

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